Become a Volunteer
High School Lifesaver Clubs

Lifesaver Clubs

Coordinator's Corner

Lifesaver Club blood drive coordinators play a vital role in the community. Patients of Hawaii rely on your support, kindness and selfless efforts. But know that you are not alone in undertaking this role for your community. Blood Bank of Hawaii offers a complete program that’s ready to be implemented. Our goal is to make hosting a drive as easy as possible for you, and convenient for your employees or members.

When you’re ready to start recruiting donors, keep in mind these three key steps: Educate, Ask and Thank. Below are tools to help you with each of these steps.


We have brochures, information sheets and presentations with interesting and important information for your donors. We’d be happy to provide you with any of these materials:

Guide to Giving Blood: Information about eligibility and preparation for the blood donation process
Understanding Hemoglobin: A guide to hemoglobin and tips on building up your iron level
Post Donation Care: Tips and information about what to expect after the donation process
FAQ: Answers to the most commonly asked questions
Interesting Facts: Quarter-page sheets to create awareness about the need for blood
Save Lives. Donate Blood: A three-minute PowerPoint presentation on the importance of giving blood
Blood Basics: A 15-minute PowerPoint presentation on the importance of blood donation and basic eligibility info
Testimonial Videos: One- to three-minute clips of people sharing how donated blood impacted their lives


“Making the ask” for an appointment is a critical step. It’s more than just giving information, it is a proposal. It requires proper timing.


Be sure to thank your donors for helping save lives. Keep everyone on track with our Blood Drop Thermometer to measure your results and goals.



Community volunteers are critical members of our team.

We would not be able to meet the needs of Hawaii’s patients without our team of volunteers. Each and every day, volunteers play a critical role in getting blood to patients who need it, and providing support in a variety of ways.

Some of the ways you can help:

  • Monitor donors after they have given blood
  • Provide administrative and clerical support
  • Help with special projects
  • Telephone donors to confirm their blood donation appointment
  • Host our donor refreshment area
  • If you see an opportunity to help, just ask

Volunteer on a schedule that fits your needs in a fun, friendly environment with caring staff members.

You can make an impact in the lives of Hawaii’s patients. Just download our Volunteer Application Form and submit it to

High School

Parent Consent & Educational Materials.

Step 1: Read the Blood Donor Educational Materials.

Step 2: Complete the Parent/Legal Guardian Consent Form.

Share your photo experiences.

Step 1: Complete the Photo Consent & Release Agreement Form.

Step 2: Share your story by sending an email with your photos attached.

High School Lifesaver Clubs give patients a brighter future.

Starting or joining a High School Lifesaver Club is a great way to begin a life-long tradition of giving. We aim to honor our young donors embarking on a lifetime of giving. Every donation made by a student during their HS tenure will be credited toward a pin, red cord or gold and red cord for participating schools. Read more about our HS Donor Recognition Program.

Host a Drive to Earn a Scholarship

High School Students can provide lifesaving blood for Hawaii’s patients during the summer when supply is low and need is high. In fact, historically our donations drop 15% during summer months when school is out and people go on vacations. HS Students who choose to coordinate blood drives during summer months for the betterment of others are true heroes. Your summer blood drive may qualify you for a $500 scholarship toward your schooling and bragging rights for your college application!

For details email with subject line “Summer Scholarship” or call 848-4770.

Lifesaver Clubs

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